Monday, February 25, 2013

Goodbye Facebook

It's been two years since I last posted to this blog. Why? Life gets busy and I got distracted. Most of all I found Facebook and thought why do I need to do both? I have come to the realization that for me Facebook is too much of a distraction. A simple post that should take 10 seconds always turns into 10 minutes of viewing everyone else's status updates...most the time I forget to even update my own status. I kept up with Facebook for so long because I kept telling myself that it helps me stay connected to all my friends in other states but the truth is I feel more disconnected from friendship than I was pre-Facebook days. I am far less likely to pick up the phone and call a friend to catch up because I now have a false sense of connection with their lives through two sentence updates I see on Facebook. I am missing out on the sound of their voices and the deeper connection that comes from a conversation. The final draw that spurred me into action was one morning last week when the first thing I saw was the posts of an acquaintance who plastered ten consecutive pictures of children who had been physically abused. The bombardment was more than I could handle and made me wonder... Do these types of post stir me into action more now that I have Facebook or have I just become desensitized by the constant moral decay that I see on Facebook. I realize that I am not only a more disconnected friend but a less sympathetic and more desensitized person as a result of my time on Facebook. If I feel that I am doing my civic or moral duty by posting my political or moral views on Facebook I think I have unfortunately fallen into a false sense that I making some sort of a difference in society. So here is to getting back into the real world and connecting face to face in an effort to make more of an impact and more meaningful connections. On a lighter note here is a picture of my favorite people to connect with...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Sunshine & Brotherly Love

We finally have sunshine here on Cape Cod! Today was beautiful and we are praying for more weather like this. The boys love to play outside and love playing together!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Play time

It's fun now that the boys are starting to play together.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Fun pictures

This blog is really just a test to see if I can blog from my mobile phone.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

We have been enjoying a White Christmas here on Cape Cod. It has been a very special day for us, watching our boys enjoy the excitement and joy that Christmas brings. As this day passed we thought often of our family back home and wished we could be with you all today as you open gifts and enjoy one another's company.

We want to say thank you for all the wonderful cards and gifts that were sent. The candies from Aunt Jeanette and Uncle Dean are disappearing at a rapid rate, the toys are being played with non stop and the sound of a toy vacuum fills our ears, the warm clothes and socks will come come in very handy as the temperature continues to drop. We appreciate everything that was sent!

We miss and love you all very much!

Merry Christmas to all our family and friends!

Here are a few of the pictures we took today. We will upload more later...right now we are on our way to see Christmas Lights :)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

White Christmas

We will be having a white Christmas this year. Today we experienced our first Blizzard. Forrest Jr. was very excited to wake up to a snow covered yard and had a lot of fun playing in it. Missy enjoyed it too. Hopefully we will be able to get our cars out tomorrow.

Captains Lighthouse

Every December the Captain of Sector South Eastern New England invites all of the families to his house, which happens to include a lighthouse, to meet Santa and have hot chocolate. Santa knows all the kids names in advance and hand them each a gift!

The LORD is good,
a refuge in times of trouble.
He cares for those who trust in him,
Nahum 1:7

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." - Jesus